As always, if you haven't read Part 1, check it out here. Now that you've caught up... let's resume discussion.
4. Clash of the Titans comes to theaters on April 2nd and later in April, A Nightmare on Elm Street releases nationally. What do they both have in common? They’re both remakes! Ever since the early 2000s we have been seeing a lot more movies being remade for this generat

STVO: Ah!!!!! There are WAY too many remakes currently out and on their way. Remember when it was kind of unique to see a movie being remade or when a new original movie got released that you would make comparisons of that movie to older favorites? Now we have movie companies re-launching movies that were released a decade or less, remakes to some movies that could probably still have sequels to their original series, and other annoyances. There are some remakes I’ll still see (Clash of the Titans and A Nightmare on Elm Street come to mind) but I find it very pathetic how many unoriginal movies are out there and that sometimes they pick some lesser known movies just to make it seem like it’s an original movie (I Spit on Your Grave, Short Circuit and Drop Dead Fred I’ve heard talks of possibly going the remake route.)
I did not like the r
Nick: Well I said in my interview that it is disappointing to me that my generation...

On the other hand, I wonder if all of these remakes were to be replaced by new material and new stories... whether or not they would be JUST as successful. Just about every remake has been a waste of time but there have been some good ones. The Amityville Horror was decent. I am actually very curious about the new Nightmare on Elm Street because I believe they are actually doing something different with the story... I don’t want to spoil it... but at least it looks more promising than the Friday the 13th remake.
To answer the question, I

5. Sometimes people view movie sequels as a negative occurrence or at least they end up seeing them as not living up to the originals. Despite that, there have been many movies that not only match their predecessor but are superior to the original! What is your favorite movie sequel of all-time? Bonus Question: Favorite Video Game Sequel.
STVO: One very obvious sequel I loved was The Dark Knight! It had so many exciting thrills, phenomenal acting from Christian Bale and Heath Ledger, and just a much superior story to Batman Begins, even though that
From my childhood a movie sequel that still hits my heart today is “Back to the Future Part 2.” Seeing the depth of how they tried to make an “accurate” representation of the future during 1985 with Pepsi and Pizza Hut endorsements and many fascinating ideas such as going back to the past and placing bets on many different baseball games to become a millionaire was brilliant! Watching it today, you have a good laugh seeing a 1980s representation of what things will l

I won’t go into too much depth with the video game answer (this one could work as a separate question again later on) but some of my favorite sequels include Zelda: A Link to the Past (With Ocarina of Time coming close!), Super Mario World, Sonic & Knuckles, and Resident Evil 4!
Nick: The best sequel, HANDS DOWN is THE DARK KNIGHT. There has NEVER been a sequel that has been produced quite like that movie. I’d like ANYBODY to name me one movie that not only lived up to the IMMENSE hype

I know a lot of people would say The Godfather Part II. F*** the Godfather series! Yes, it helped shaped what we watch as movies today but I will take Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, or Road to Perdition over the Godfather any day... it terms of Gangster Movie

As far as best sequel to a video game... I would go with either Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES or Mortal Kombat 2, for the Sega Genesis. Most disappointing sequel? Resistance 2 for the PS3.
6. There are many different types of horror movies: Monster movies, psychological thrillers, serial killers, sci-fi, etc. What genre is your favorite and what makes you enjoy it the most?
STVO: I love a goo
I really enjoy the Saw movies as well, while I can’t picture someone being as big of a mastermind like Jigsaw making all those traps for that many people, it creates an interesting what-if scenario and it’s unique scenario of how crazy one man gets by trying to do good for the world, that instead, he ends up doing so much wrong!!! I respect monster and sci-fi movies as they can be entertaining as well (for some of them, very humorous as well.) I personally don’t like ghost stories or those movies where you don’t see the person/thing killing the victims. Those movies don’t send any chills to me and not seeing the person committing these acts just doesn’t terr
To cap off, I also want to say I enjoy movies/series such as Child’s Play, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th (any but the original two, Jason’s mom, haha!), Leprechaun, or real B-movie goodness like Gingerdead Man. These movies aren’t scary, but they are entertaining and with characters like Freddy Krueger or Chucky, I always get a good a laugh!
Nick: My favorite sub-genre

What I like most about horror movies... is that it really is one genre that affects audience’s senses and emotions the most. You can be terrified, laugh, in suspense, smile, cry (maybe, I cry when I watch TROLL 2), and it also has the MOST LOYAL fan base of any genre. You feel like you are apart of a larger group when you are in a theater watching a horror movie because it caters to a special audience.
The most fun I have EVER had in a movie theater was watching two different HO

In closing, stop pirating movies. I’m not going to preach... but everybody reading this... think about your job for a second. Do you like the fact that it pays you money? Movies are people’s jobs. They should be paid for their job... and piracy is actually forcing people to lose their jobs. Whether or not you hate your job or not... it would kind of suck to lose it because of theft... If you were, say, a manager at Walgreens... it would be ABSOLUTE B.S. to lose your job because of too many tampons or candy bars were being stolen.
STVO: While I don't like to do CrossACTION segments until Friday, I will state I wholeheartedly agree with Nick's last paragraph. It's been believed that Hostel 2 didn't succeed as well as the first one (especially in other countries) due to the movie being pirated before it was even released! I personally enjoyed the movie and am very upset that there won't be a sequel to that movie (or at least a theatrical one.) That could happen to any of your favorite movies and also, there's many ways to save money for movies via Netflix, signing up for free movie showings (I saw Hot Tub Time Machine way before it was officially released in theaters legally AND FOR FREE!), etc. Take the part of people losing their jobs seriously at least, this is a bad economic time here!
That is all for discussion questions of CrossTopix, CrossACTION will take place on Friday as usual. STVO will not do a rebuttal/agreement on movies being pirated again, as he has something else on his mind he'd like to discuss. Nick very likely has something else up to his sleeve too.
In the meantime, please leave some comments about this week's discussion or even future suggestions on what we should discuss or do to make this site better for you. Also, become fan of CrossTopix on Facebook by joining the page right here.
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